Shelter From The Rain

As I was reviewing the Instructables about building a Raspberry Pi powered observatory, I was concerned about their design for an open “dome” and for it being moved out to use and then back inside after. I wanted something I could mount on my roof and leave it place, connected to my local network and accessable from inside. This requires a weather-proof dome structure, or a sliding shed – something to protect the telescope and electronics from the elements.

While researching other dome concets, I came across this commercial dome (for a MUCH larger telescope) and thought it might be applicable to my mini-dome project.

While the dimensions are far too large for me, the concept and structure were interesting. I’ll have to experiment and see if I can get something like this working.


Author: mwallis

Recently retired, Michael spent 30+ years in Silicon Valley as a developer and Software Reliability Engineer working with companies like Apple, Amazon, Sony, etc. He grew up in Canada, where he served as the VP and Observers Head for the London Centre of the Royal Canadian Astronomical Society during the early 1970's.